Our animals are lovingly looked after and they are at least a year old before they go for meat – and then they are only the ones we do not consider suitable for breeding. We are so concerned out the quality of their life we have carefully selected an abattoir that handles them gently right until the end. It should also be noted that animals that are less stressed produce meat that tastes better.
We offer a range of options of hogget (lambs aged 12-24 months) and sometimes mutton – it comes frozen, unless pre-ordered specifically non frozen.
½ & ¼ butchered into joints and bagged (shoulders and rumps are halved)
Individual joints – (specific cuts can be pre ordered if sufficient notice given)
Burgers – Rosemary & Garlic or Chilli. Our burgers only contain meat, and the herbs and seasoning mentioned.
Chops (bagged in 2’s & 4’s) or Noisettes .
Mince and diced – in bags of ½ and 1kg appx
Specific cuts / joints can be pre ordered
Highland Beef
We currently have only a few highland cows, but are expanding and hope to have a regular supply of Highland beef in the future, but we do have a range of cuts and burgers (just meat and 1 egg per kilo as a binder) available on and off. When available it is very popular and goes very quickly. Like the sheep, we carefully select the abattoir.
Highland beef, being slower grown, is more tasty, has much less bad fat and much more good fat (marbled through the meat) than many beef types. We also have our beef hung for a minimum of 4 weeks to make it more tender and tasty.
All meat is sold collection only from the farm – please contact us to arrange collection and place an order.
It is best to contact us for availability.